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How Do You Make Handicap Cabinets Accessible For Disabled Users?

How Do You Make Handicap Cabinets Accessible For Disabled Users? - BUILDMYPLACE


Handicap cabinets are way more beneficial than you think they are. Cabinets are indeed a useful item for the indoors that are used for storing utilities, plus they help give a scenic look to the indoors. But, what is the purpose of this multipurpose utility item if it will not be helpful for all of us?

Nowadays, utility is everyone’s demand. People seek things that are going to make their life easier. However, certain things limit us from finding accessibility in that utility. For instance, there are not many options available for disabled people.

The ADA-compliant compulsion has made it pretty clear that the needs of people with disabilities matter. This is why several companies manufacture certain utility items that pass the ADA certification as a symbol of being useful for the disabled. Prior to installing wheelchair accessible vanity or kitchen cabinet, you must ensure a few things that are going to reflect its accessibility for the users.

What is the purpose of building handicap cabinets?

What is the purpose of building handicap cabinets?

Just to be clear about the thing you do, you must keep in mind the purpose behind it. With every work, there’s an agenda behind it. Likewise, in the building handicap cabinets scenario, the purpose of doing so is to ensure that these cabinets are helpful for disabled people. To make sure that disabled people are not finding any discomfort while using kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanity, the structure of these handicap cabinets is designed in such a way that it will benefit them in both utility and use effortlessly.

What should be the ideal dimensions for handicap cabinets?

What should be the ideal dimensions for handicap cabinets?

Dimensions play a keen role when it comes to building handicap bathroom vanity and handicap kitchen cabinets. The reason behind this is to

  • Height - The handicap kitchen cabinets should be about 23-33 inches high, and the height of the handicap bathroom vanity should be approximately 34 inches. The height is supposedly apt for disabled people as they will get proper access to reach the surface without hustling.
  • Width - The ADA-compliant kitchen cabinets should be 40-60 inches wide, depending on the structure of the kitchen. For instance, if the kitchen counter is U-shape, the width should be 60 inches to ensure theclearance space. On the other hand, the bathroom vanity should be 40 inches wide to be ideal as an ADA-compliant.
  • Depth - Handicap kitchen cabinets should be 9-inch deep as the space you need to place your kitchen utilities should neither be too compact nor too deep. In comparison, wheelchair accessible vanity can be about 10-20 inches deep to ensure that big shampoo bottles, large towels, and other utility can aptly fit in the handicap cabinets.

Where and why should you spare open space?

Where and why should you spare open space?

    Open space is certainly essential in handicap cabinets. This open space can be used as the knee clearance area that is found underneath the sink. The ideal open space or knee clearance area for the handicap cabinets is 27-inch. The clearance space will ensure that people with disabilities effortlessly reach toward the sink and that their legs are not coming between the counter space and the wheelchair.

    Thus, by considering these essential tips, you’ll end up with a helpful yet accessible handicap kitchen cabinet or wheelchair accessible vanity for your indoors. All these elements are important, and so is ensuring their purpose. However, if you are not sure about any of those points, your efforts will be of no use. Therefore, whenever you plan to buy these ADA-compliant cabinets, make sure how they will be accessible for disabled users.