How to Install Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring In Home?

by Team BuildMyplace on Sep 06, 2022

Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring


The project of installing flooring in the home is not much difficult if your choice is the luxury vinyl plank. Installing luxury vinyl plank flooring is simple and can be done by DIYers without requiring professional help. If you follow the steps mentioned in this blog, it becomes enjoyable to complete the entire flooring project of the interior. There is no doubt that LVP flooring is extremely popular for its durability and stunning appearance. Even after you install the floors, you do not need to worry about frequent maintenance and replacement for a significant time. Here some installation steps are provided to make it easier to get a perfect interior flooring ready as soon as possible.

Installation begins with a leveled sub-floor

Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring


The foremost step is to ensure that the subfloor of your home is leveled and flat to give you a perfect beginning for flooring installation. If you are installing luxury vinyl plank flooring in your new home or even after removing existing flooring, you should make your subfloor smooth and flat. It is important to hide all the surface imperfections as they may become the main reason behind unwanted floor movement even after using the flooring perfectly. Therefore, before following the steps ahead, you must make your sub-floor flat.

Temporarily remove baseboards or trims

Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring

If any existing baseboards or trims are installed in some rooms of your home, you should remove them temporarily for easy installation. Well, it is not a mandatory point that you must follow as working in an empty room with precise measurements is more simple. However, at the time of removing the baseboards, you must be careful as you will use them again after your luxury vinyl plank flooring installation get completed.

Set the alignment of LVP flooring

Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring

The process of aligning the luxury vinyl plank flooring is quite complicated, as you must pay attention to it. During installing the floors, it is possible that the door trims and jambs will not fit because of the thickness of your floors. A simple way to get rid of the situation is to undercut the door jambs or door trims that will be affected by the luxury vinyl plank. If you remove the thickness of your floors, it will not be a good idea as you have another option of undercutting the door trims and jambs.

Clean the entire area

Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring

Before heading towards the installation of luxury vinyl plank flooring, you should make sure that the subfloor is clean. Using the vacuum cleaner, you can sweep your floor or keep the entire dirt and debris away. However, if you leave any residue on the subfloor and install LVP flooring, you can face problems because of this mistake. It is an essential process to clean the subfloor properly, and you must be sure that you remove every dirt particle that can cause problems in the future.

Plan the layout of your floors

Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring

After you follow the steps carefully, it’s time to form a layout of your room where you are installing your luxury vinyl plank flooring. Next, you need to create a plan for how to lay down the flooring on the subfloor. In the plan, you also must ensure the size of the pieces you are going to install as you have to care that you won’t end up with short pieces of plank on the end of the room.

Install the luxury vinyl plank flooring

Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring

When you are ready to install the luxury vinyl plank flooring in your home after the surface is prepared. The installation must be perfectly done, and that won’t be possible without focus. The process of installation is straightforward in that you just need to align the planks and lock them together with the help of their click-and-lock feature. Along with this, you can also get a glue-down method in which the planks need to be glued to the subfloor.

Install the baseboards again

Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring

After you complete the installation of luxury vinyl plank flooring, you just need to install back the baseboards as they were installed previously. Then, all you need to do is complete the entire process with focus and perfection.


Undoubtedly, the installation process of vinyl plank flooring is simple, and you can get your entire home ready without spending extra money by making it your DIY project. The durability and other features of luxury vinyl plank flooring will provide you with an unforgettable experience. But, you have to install it in your home according to your need and without making any mistakes. These floors can last for years without requiring frequent maintenance, eliminating your replacement cost. Choosing LVP flooring to use in the home is always an excellent choice.