Replacement or Cabinet Refacing: Find Out What’s Best for Kitchen Cabinets

by Team BuildMyplace on Jun 06, 2023

Replacement or Cabinet Refacing: Find Out What’s Best for Kitchen Cabinets


Cabinet refacing or entirely replace kitchen cabinets, what’s best if your existing cabinet looks old? This is a natural phenomenon that we have no control over. No matter how sophisticated your kitchen looks with kitchen cabinets, that appearance will run off sooner or later. Refacing kitchen cabinets is a possible way to give you more time to hold on to them. However, if the cabinets are way too old to be refaced, then you must replace the kitchen cabinets.

Now the question is what’s best and what should you pick. If you are stuck between these crossroads, this blog is for you. In this blog, we will discuss some factors to consider when you are planning to refinish or install new kitchen cabinets. The following are the factors that you should consider:


Differences in their cost

Differences in their cost

About a decade ago, when kitchen cabinets were way too expensive, people preferred refacing kitchen cabinets. This was quite an economical option. Nowadays, you can find affordable cabinets pretty much anywhere. Plus, you do not need to pay a large sum of money to replace kitchen cabinets. Thus, the cost difference between cabinet replacing and installing kitchen cabinets is less. You can prefer whatever suits your budget.


Veneer the face frame

Veneer the face frame

Face frame veneering is really important in kitchen cabinets. When you replace kitchen cabinets, you must consider veneering. Rather than replacing, the contractors just reface the face frames during cabinet refacing. Covering the old face frames with paint is not good because you are settling for an old cabinet that won’t last for long. One can always notice the flaws of old cabinets in this process, as it is quite evident. It would be better from the cabinet’s longevity standpoint to replace the face frame rather than contouring with paint.


Options for colors and styles

Options for colors and styles

When it comes to cabinet refacing, you are limited with color and style options. In comparison, you get plenty of options for colors and styles when replacing kitchen cabinets. In fact, you can give the entire kitchen a complete makeover by installing kitchen cabinets.


Dealing with damages

In refacing kitchen cabinets, if there are some existing damages, then you are not fixing them. This is just covering up what’s still in there. This is simply a waste of money and time. It would be better to replace kitchen cabinets with new ones as they will be flawless and will last longer.


Installing kitchen cabinets

Installing kitchen cabinets

When it comes to workload, installing new kitchen cabinets can be troublesome. Plus, it is so hectic and time-consuming. On the other hand, cabinet refacing is way easier as it does not require too many installation activities.

Another thing in installation is that when you are dealing with old kitchen cabinets, the re-work takes double the time. Veeering, painting, refacing, and staining old cabinets is harder than picking up new cabinets and starting work with them.


The difference in the quality

In cabinet refacing, the cabinet’s quality will be exactly the same as it was earlier. Refacing just covers the flaws. It does not enhance the quality. The least you can do is exchange the front door panels with new and durable ones. Apart from that, everything in the cabinet’s structure remains the same. On the other hand, when you replace kitchen cabinets with new ones, you have control over the quality.

In the end, it is quite evident that today, people prefer replacing old cabinets with new ones rather than refacing kitchen cabinets. The cost involved is not so much. Plus, the workload is lesser and obviously, the quality you are looking for gets better. It is up to your choice. If you wish to upgrade the kitchen, you can go with cabinet replacement. But if you like to hold on to the older ones, you can prefer cabinet refacing.

Talk to our experts if you have some doubts about your kitchen remodeling. With over 100 of cabinet styles and color options, you can give your kitchen the desired look.

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