What is the difference between Ready-to-Assemble (RTA) and Assembled Cabinets?

by Team BuildMyplace on Jan 04, 2024

What is the difference between Ready-to-Assemble (RTA) and Assembled Cabinets?

In the world of kitchen remodeling, choosing the right cabinets can make a significant difference in both the aesthetics and functionality of your kitchen. Two popular options to consider are Ready-to-Assemble (RTA) cabinets and pre-assembled cabinets. In this article, we will delve into the distinctions between these two cabinet types to help you make an informed decision for your kitchen renovation project.

Understanding Ready-to-Assemble (RTA) Cabinets Ready to Assemble Cabinets, as the name suggests, come in flat-pack kits that require assembly before installation.

Ready to Assemble Cabinets, as the name suggests, come in flat-pack kits that require assembly before installation. Here are some key aspects to consider:

1. Cost-Effective Solutions One of the primary advantages of RTA cabinets is their cost-effectiveness.

One of the primary advantages of RTA cabinets is their cost-effectiveness. They are generally more affordable than pre-assembled cabinets, making them an attractive option for budget-conscious homeowners.

2. DIY-Friendly

RTA cabinets are designed for easy assembly. They typically come with detailed instructions and all the necessary hardware, making them a feasible DIY project for homeowners with basic handyman skills.

3. Customization Options

RTA cabinets often offer a wide range of customization options. You can choose from various styles, finishes, and sizes to create a kitchen that suits your preferences and space requirements.

4. Convenient Shipping and Storage

Due to their flat-pack nature, RTA cabinets are easy to ship and store. This can be especially advantageous if you need to store them for a while before starting your kitchen renovation.

The Benefits of Pre-Assembled Cabinets

On the other hand, Pre Assembled Cabinets come fully constructed and ready for installation. Here's what you need to know about them:

1. Time-Saving Installation

One of the most significant advantages of pre-assembled cabinets is the time-saving aspect. Since they arrive fully constructed, the installation process is quicker and more straightforward compared to RTA cabinets.

2. Professional Craftsmanship

Pre-assembled cabinets are typically crafted by professionals in a factory setting. This ensures a high level of craftsmanship and precision, resulting in a polished and durable product.

3. Reduced DIY Effort

Unlike RTA cabinets, pre-assembled cabinets require minimal DIY effort. You don't need to worry about assembly, which can be a relief for those with limited time or DIY experience.

4. Limited Customization

While pre-assembled cabinets offer quality and convenience, they may have limited customization options compared to RTA cabinets. Your choices for styles and sizes may be somewhat restricted.

Making Your Choice

Choosing between RTA and pre-assembled cabinets ultimately depends on your priorities, budget, and renovation timeline. Consider the following factors when making your decision:

  • Budget: If you are on a tight budget, RTA cabinets may be the more economical choice.

  • DIY Skills: Are you comfortable with DIY projects? If so, RTA cabinets could be a satisfying challenge.

  • Time Constraints: If you need your kitchen renovation completed quickly, pre-assembled cabinets may be the way to go.

  • Customization: If you have specific design preferences, RTA cabinets offer a broader range of customization options.


In summary, the difference between Ready-to-Assemble (RTA) and pre-assembled cabinets lies in their cost, assembly requirements, customization options, and installation time. Carefully consider your budget, timeline, and DIY skills when choosing the cabinets that will best suit your kitchen renovation needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are RTA cabinets of lower quality compared to pre-assembled cabinets?

No, RTA cabinets are not necessarily of lower quality. The quality of both RTA and pre-assembled cabinets can vary depending on the manufacturer and materials used.

2. Can I convert RTA cabinets into pre-assembled cabinets later?

Converting RTA cabinets into pre-assembled cabinets can be challenging and may not yield the same level of quality. It's best to make your choice at the beginning of your kitchen renovation project.

3. Are pre-assembled cabinets more expensive than RTA cabinets?

Generally, pre-assembled cabinets are more expensive due to the labor and craftsmanship involved in their production.

4. How long does it take to assemble RTA cabinets?

The time required to assemble RTA cabinets depends on your DIY skills and the complexity of the cabinet design. On average, it may take a few hours to a day.

5. Can I mix and match RTA and pre-assembled cabinets in my kitchen design?

Yes, you can mix and match these cabinet types to create a customized kitchen design. Just ensure that the sizes and styles complement each other for a cohesive look.

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